Finest Coffee Beans for Perfect Flat White Coffee

Discover exquisite coffee beans with us that are perfect for your flat white coffee. Whether traditional blends with chocolaty or nutty notes, or lightly roasted coffee beans with unique sweetness and enhanced acidity – this selection is ideal for crafting your flat white coffee!

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Preperation, history and definition of the Flat White Coffee

The Flat White coffee is a popular coffee specialty distinguished by the combination of double Espresso or Ristretto and liquid-steamed milk. It offers a strong coffee flavor with little milk, making it ideal for those who want less milk consumption but still enjoy the subtly sweet taste combined with coffee. Originally from Australia and New Zealand, the Flat White coffee has gained worldwide significance with the growing popularity of Latte Art. Compared to Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato, the Flat White has a stronger coffee flavor and a slightly smoother milk foam. In its preparation, light-roasted coffees with a sweet and acidic note are often chosen to emphasize the unique taste of the Flat White.

Learn all about the Flat White Coffee and how to prepare it in this video:

The Flat White coffee is a popular coffee specialty distinguished by the combination of double Espresso or Ristretto and liquid-steamed milk. It offers a strong coffee flavor with little milk, making it ideal for those who want to consume less milk. Originally from Australia and New Zealand, the Flat White has gained worldwide significance with the growing popularity of Latte Art. Compared to Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato, the Flat White has a stronger coffee flavor and a slightly smoother milk foam. In its preparation, light-roasted coffees with a sweet and acidic note are often chosen to emphasize the unique taste of the Flat White.

The difference between Cappuccinos and Flat Whites is that the Cappuccino is made with a single Espresso, while the Flat White Coffee is made with two Espressos or Ristrettos. Additionally, the Flat White is made with liquid milk foam, whereas the traditional Cappuccino has a larger foam cap, and the modern Cappuccino is also made with a creamier milk foam.

As a result, the Flat White Coffee has more power and coffee flavor compared to the Cappuccino.

Often, lighter-roasted espresso beans are used for Flat Whites, influencing the taste further.

Flat White Coffee and Latte Macchiato are both coffee variations, but they differ in their preparation method and the amount of milk used.

Preparing a Flat White involves a special pouring technique, and the lesser amount of milk contributes to a more intense coffee flavor.

Traditionally, a Flat White consists of 2 Espresso shots and is often served with Latte Art and accordingly, creamier milk.

On the other hand, a Latte Macchiato consists of a single Espresso, significantly more milk, and a thick milk foam cap. It is often served in a glass to showcase the beautiful layering.

Here’s an overview:

A Flat White Coffee and Moka are both based on Espresso. However, Moka is characterized by the addition of chocolate syrup or cocoa powder along with frothed milk. Additionally, Moka is often prepared similarly to a Cappuccino with a single Espresso and, accordingly, a bit more milk compared to Flat White Coffee.