Milkjug – the barista’s paintbrush

Explore our diverse selection of milk jugs, perfect for crafting creamy milk foam and Latte Art. From classic stainless steel pitchers to stylish designs – here you’ll find the ideal milkjug for perfect your cappuccino.

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Milkjug: The key to professional milk foam in your coffee

A Milkjug is indispensable companions for coffee preparation, especially when it comes to the art of milk foam. With a high-quality milk jug, you can create perfect foam for cappuccinos, lattes, and more. Our selection includes various sizes and materials, from stainless steel to stylish designs. If you want to know how to create the perfect milk foam, check out our helpful video!

Frothing milk with milk jugs is a crucial step in preparing coffee beverages like cappuccino and latte. Here’s a basic guide:

  1. Choose the right milk: Fresh, cold milk with a higher fat content (e.g., whole milk) works best for frothing as it produces creamier foam.

  2. Fill the milk jug: Pour the desired amount of milk into the milk jug, making sure not to exceed the maximum mark as the milk will expand during frothing.

  3. Purge the steam wand: There might be water in the steam wand; you don’t want that in your milk!

  4. Position the steam wand: Insert the steam wand attachment of your espresso machine or steam device into the milk jug.

  5. Start the steam: Turn on the steam and position the steam wand just below the milk surface. Tilt the jug slightly to create a milk whirlpool with the steam.

  6. Froth the milk: Keep the jug moving and let the steam flow into the milk slowly. The steam shouldn’t be too strong to avoid a messy splash. Keep the steam wand close to the surface to incorporate more air and create foam.

  7. Monitor the temperature: Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature. The optimal frothing temperature is between 60°C and 70°C.

  8. Stop the steam: Once the desired temperature is reached, turn off the steam and remove the milk jug from the steam wand.

  9. Tap and swirl: Gently tap the jug on a surface to remove large air bubbles. Swirl the milk in the jug to distribute the foam.

  10. Pour the foam: Carefully pour the milk foam onto your espresso to create a pattern or latte art.

  11. Clean up: Clean the milk jug immediately after frothing to prevent milk residues from sticking.

Practice makes perfect, so be patient and experiment with different techniques to achieve the perfect milk foam for your coffee drinks. Also, check out our video for more milk frothing tips.

Large milkjug bring you closer to the surface, which is essential for Latte Art. A pointed spout is suitable for detailed patterns like the swan, while a round spout is ideal for thick, flowing patterns like the Rosetta!