Discover and Buy Decaff Coffee

Decaffeinated coffee – full flavor without caffeine! If you adore the taste of coffee but are sensitive to caffeine or need to cut back (e.g., during pregnancy or for better sleep), then decaff coffee is your perfect pick. Freshly roasted, ground just before brewing, and expertly extracted, decaffeinated coffee can be hardly distinguished from regular coffee! Enjoy the rich aroma and taste without the caffeine effects.

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Decaff coffee has a bad reputation, but...

... freshly roasted decaf, ground just before preparation and properly extracted can be really delicious!

Decaff coffee has a really bad reputation in the gastronomy, mainly because it is a rare order and therefore simple solutions such as pre-ground coffee powder or pods are used. This leads to a watery, under-extracted, tastelessly acidic result in the cup and an unhappy guest.

But what if not only decaff coffee, but also caffeinated espresso, coffee or cappuccino comes across as tasteless? We discuss the problem of bad coffee in the gastronomy in this video:

Decaff coffee often gets a bad reputation, especially in the gastronomy. However, this is not so much due to the nature of decaffeinated coffee itself, but rather the way it is often prepared. When decaff coffee is freshly roasted, ground just before preparation and properly extracted, it can actually be really tasty and perform well in blind tastings.

However, in the gastronomy, where decaff coffee is rarely ordered, some restaurants tend to use simple solutions such as pre-ground coffee powder or pods. This often leads to a watery, under-extracted and tastelessly acidic result in the cup. The decaffeinated coffee thus loses its full aroma and leaves a dissatisfied guest.

It is important to emphasize that the quality of the preparation is crucial, regardless of whether it is caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee. With careful selection of freshly roasted decaffeinated beans and correct preparation, decaff coffee can be a delicious alternative for coffee lovers who want or need to avoid caffeine. It’s worth giving decaff coffee a fair chance and discovering its full range of flavors.

There are various methods of decaffeinating coffee:

  • The direct solvent method: The beans are soaked or steamed in water and then repeatedly exposed to a solution containing methylene chloride, ethyl acetate or solvent.
  • The indirect solvent method: The beans are soaked in water to extract water-soluble components such as caffeine. Methyl chloride is then added to evaporate the caffeine.
  • The supercritical carbon dioxide process: Green coffee beans are pressurized with supercritical carbon dioxide, causing it to take on liquid properties and extract the caffeine.
  • The Swiss water technique: Water is used as the primary solvent to extract the caffeine from the beans. The method is considered the cleanest decaffeination technique and ensures that the beans retain their flavor.

Generally, decaff coffee is just as healthy as caffeinated coffee.

There are debates about the safety of the decaffeination process, but the Swiss Water process and the liquid CO2 process are being considered safe, while chemical solvents are controversial.

Although it is called decaffeinated coffee, it still contains some traces of caffeine. Therefore, it is important to be careful if you have a medical condition that restricts the consumption of caffeine, such as high blood pressure or another medical condition.

According to the USDA, decaff coffee may still contain up to 3% of the original caffeine. Let’s say you use a large coffee cup with a capacity of about 350ml. A caffeinated cup of this size would contain 180mg of caffeine, while a decaffeinated cup may still contain about 5mg or 6mg of caffeine.