Explore and Buy Coffee Powder for Your Brewing Method

Coffee powder tailored to your brewing method! If you don’t have a coffee grinder at home and need pre-ground coffee powder, you’ve come to the right place. We grind each of our coffees perfectly for your chosen brewing method – just select your preferred brewing style (Bialetti, espresso machine, filter, etc.) when placing your order. This way, you’ll receive the ideal coffee for your unique taste experience. Enjoy hassle-free brewing with our expertly ground coffee powder!

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The importance of the grind for coffee powder

The grinding degree has a decisive influence on the taste in your cup. If the coffee powder is ground too coarsely, this leads to under-extraction: too little flavor, bitter substances and caffeine are released from the coffee powder, making the result watery, sour and boring. On the other hand, we speak of over-extraction if the powder is ground too finely: too many bitter substances and acids are released from the coffee powder, resulting a cup of coffee that is too intense, strong and at the same time sour and bitter.

The perfect grind for your coffee powder lies in the fine balance between acids, bitter substances and sweetness. Every preparation method and even every coffee requires a different grind - from a very fine grind like Turkish Mocha, to espresso from the portafilter, to medium grind like Bialetti and Aeropress up to coarse grind for French Press and filter coffee.

But if you want to get the maximum of flavor out of your coffee, then it's really worth buying a coffee grinder. Grinding coffee powder fresh and just before preparation really has a huge impact on the taste. In the following video, we help you choose the right coffee grinder for your home:

The SCA Specialty Coffee Accosiation recommends 60g coffee powder per liter.

However, the quantity is highly dependent on your preparation method and preference – for example, for espresso we have a ratio of coffee to water of 1:2, for filter coffee though 1:15.

The perfect grind for your coffee powder lies in the fine balance between acidity, bitterness and sweetness. Every preparation method and even every coffee requires a different grind – from a very fine grind such as Turkish Mocha to espresso from the portafilter, to a medium grind such as Bialetti and Aeropress, up to a coarse grind for French Press and filter coffee.